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We’re technological partners with Karün

We are technological partners with Karün in their proyects with Join The Planet Foundation, and its Ambassador Leo Messi.

And you have no idea how hard it was to wait to tell you the news!

🤝At Julasoft, we always stand for the principle of allying to achieve goals that have a positive impact on the environment. We take great pride in working together with Karün, sharing values of sustainability and the use of technology to improve the life quality of people.

🌎♻️Karün is a global company pioneer in the transition towards a regenerative economy. Alternatively, Join the Planet is a brand supported by the Foundation that recycles materials to finance global initiatives of preservation.

🌐🌳Julasoft joined to develop a traceability platform with blockchain technology that enables to track the flow of recycled materials throughout the sustainable production of collectible football boots.

We’re positive that we are part of the change and that we must walk this path creating strategic alliances with businesses and governments pursuing that same dream.

We invite you to learn more about this beautiful initiative.



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