Sustainability Polices 2023

Looking ahead to 2030

Políticas de sustentabilidad

Our commitment to sustainable development

Reusing and recycling materials.

Julasoft sets clear and measurable goals to reduce energy and natural resources consumption, minimizing waste production and greenhouse gas emissions in its operations. It promotes reusing, recycling materials, and it works with suppliers that share these values and are committed to sustainable practices. We adhere to the Soluciona Verde [Green Solution] Program, a sustainable action plan that helps industries and involved communities to:
● Reduce their products’ costs by using recycled raw material.
● Generate income through waste sale.
● Gain credibility with society since it helps sustainable development.
● Comply with environmental legislation. ● Increase productivity.
● Reduce carbon footprint.
● Contribute to circular economy, promoting the use of renewable and recyclable materials.

Energetic efficiency and climate change

With the aim of reaffirming our commitment with green technologies, Julasoft is part of the Green Solution Program, based on the use of technologies that offer traceability, sustainable supply strategies, and community impact management. We foster use of cloud computing, virtual data centers, and teleworking.

Efficient development

Julasoft proposes creating software products which are more efficient in relation to energy consumption as well as guidelines that minimize it. It fosters virtualizing services and softwares by cloud computing, reducing the use of energy and carbon emissions.

Protection and respect of human and labor rights

At Julasoft, human rights are essential, that is why they are promoted both at the workplace and environments of influence.

Our purpose

To make a positive impact on society through what we do. To that end, we use technology as a powerful tool to transform and improve people’s lives.

That is why we adhere to Transforming our world: 2030 Sustainble Development Agenda (A/RES/69-315), incorporating good practices and methodologies aimed at using IT resources and infrastructures efficiently, reducing energy consumption, and therefore, carbon footprint.

We are committed to carrying out challenging projects that allow us to share our knowledge and experience to create digital products that solve real needs.


To reaffirm our commitment with green technologies through management and sustainable development of apps.


  • Sustainable identity

To reinforce our identity with values and culture that characterize us.

  • Efficient development

To develop resources used by CIT efficiently, promoting the use of green technologies, in other words, to make efficient use of computational resources, minimizing environmental impact, maximizing its economic feasibility, and ensuring social responsibility.

  • Protection and respect of human and labor rights.

To foster gender equality and flexible working hours and spaces.